Ultra-realistic handwriting fonts are a G-Type speciality and Goskar is our most ambitious script font yet, brimming with typographic bells and whistles. The typeface is named after the imposing rock on Tenby’s north shore which was once part of the surrounding cliffs.
Goskar took shape when a broad nib fountain pen was held at the ‘wrong’ angle, resulting in handwriting with a reversed stress appearance. Add some clever programming into the mix, plus a healthy dollop of ligatures & contextual alternates, and the end result is an authentically handwritten flow with lots of character variation.
This dynamic script family has four weights from Light to Black, and is also the first variable font release in the G-Type library which means you can create any intermediate weight of your choice as long as your software program is compatible. The single axis Goskar variable font is bundled free with the standard OpenType fonts in the family pack only.
Like it’s close relative Rollerscript the character set includes small caps, arrows, underlines, icons & emoticons, plus an additional style set which swaps the default z & r glyphs to their more basic alternates.